
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Displaying photos for $1

I have almost two million pictures of my Stud-Man. I joke - but it feels like two million! Picture frames can be expensive and once you have them all hung up, it can be quite overwhelming. Here's a cheap and fun way to display your photos without using a frame!

All I did was buy a cheap wooden oval (at my favorite store - Hobby Lobby, and you know it - at 50% off!) then I painted it. Once it was dry, I added the picture. I put my lovely decoupage on the back of the picture and placed it right where I wanted. Next I added two, smooth layers of decoupage over the top of the whole oval and let it dry.

I'm sure all of the professional photographers out there are just cringing, but that's ok! It actually didn't ruin the picture!

Will it fall off? Does the decoupage really hold the picture on there? I did this about two weeks ago and the picture is still sticking to the wood. It hasn't shown any signs of peeling.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that bright green is eye catching!
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